What is Java Enterprise User Solution (JEUS)?

Java User Enterprise User Solution (JEUS) Web Application Server (WAS) supports a robust cloud environment with added performance enhancements and advanced features to continue to meet the needs of the fast growing Web Application Server industry. JEUS WAS provides a variety of enterprise system functions such as transaction control, session management, and distributed session clustering. JEUS’ hierarchical structure maximizes flexibility and extensibility and enables the effective and easy use of business logic.

Key Features of JEUS WAS

This section discusses some of the key features offered by the JEUS WAS:

Domain architecture - This feature supports dynamic expansion of larger environment such as cloud environment and reduces overhead of the server management, thus enhancing performance and stability.

Dynamic clustering Capability - The domain architecture enables configuring the clusters dynamically according to application and system changes, thus ensuring high availability and enhancing flexibility and scalability.

Massive transactions - To handle massive transaction requests, the JEUS Web Application Server can be integrated with a WebtoB server. This integration setup provides high performance while processing big data with unique architecture and technologies.

Distributed Cluster - With JEUS cluster, you can minimize health-checks and synchronizations, which may occur continuously between Master and Backup session servers, and apply new communication methods to improve cluster functions.

Simple and Light-weight execution - JEUS adopts the Light-Weight execution method, which minimizes engine functions included in the server and simplifies the production environment.

JEUS WAS on Cloud Environment

In the cloud environment, JEUS WAS supports an architecture that operates and manages domain-based services. The domain architecture improves performance, usability and scalability of the cloud environment. In addition, domain architecture supports dynamic clustering that provides high level of elasticity, which is the basic requirement for cloud computing. JEUS also ensures continuous availability of a seamless service delivery even when reinstallation/updation of an application is to be initiated. That means, the requests currently being processed are completed before reinstallation/updation begins, thus preventing interruption in service delivery.

JEUS WAS Integration with Web Servers

JEUS WAS integrates with web servers such as WebtoB and Apache to support dynamic load balancing while processing massive amounts of data and provide excellent performance. The following figure clearly represents the three-tier architecture that shows the integration of JEUS and web servers at the middle-tier:

Figure 1 : Architecture of Java Enterprise User Solution (JEUS) WAS server

Why Monitor JEUS WAS?

As the JEUS WAS helps administrators to deliver business-critical applications in a seamless way, any issue with the functioning of the JEUS server, if not troubleshooted on time, can rupture the very core of these business-critical applications. This in turn may degrade quality of the business-critical services and cause infrastructure downtime and huge revenue losses. This justifies the need for continuously monitoring the external availability and internal operations of the JEUS server to meet the demands of the service users. This is where eG Enterprise helps administrators to fulfill their duty in this regard.

eG Enterprise provides a specialized monitoring model to continuously monitor the performance of the JEUS server, so that service level slippages are minimized and user satisfaction with the overlying business services is maximized.

JEUS Monitoring gives you an overview of eG Enterprise monitoring for JEUS web application servers.