
Coyote Point Equalizer load balancers are a cost-effective appliance-based solution for managing the scalability, availability and performance requirements of any network infrastructure. By effectively managing Internet traffic, the Equalizer product line maximizes network potential by minimizing response times and ensuring site availability.


Figure 1 : Typical deployment architecture of the Equalizer

As a gateway appliance, Coyote Point load balancers are typically deployed in a redundant configuration that includes a hot backup. Client requests are routed through the Equalizer to the appropriate server based on rules set by the administrator.

Since these load balancers are platform and (internet) protocol-independent, they are common-place in mission-critical business environments where maximum performance and high availability are key. Performance issues experienced by the equalizer can therefore adversely impact the availability of the critical services delivered by such environments, disrupting business and causing considerable revenue loss in the process. By continuously monitoring the operations and overall performance of the equalizer, such unpleasant eventualities can be avoided. The eG Enterprise helps network administrators in this regard!