Configuring Tests

When you try to sign out of the eG admin interface, a LIST OF UNCONFIGURED TESTS page will appear, revealing the list of tests mapped to the Progress Database server that require manual configuration:

Figure 1 : The list of unconfigured tests requiring manual configuration

Figure 1 indicates the list of unconfigured tests that need to be configured manually. For instance, click on the Progress After-Image Log Activity test.Figure 2 then appears listing the parameters to be configured.

Figure 2 : Configuring the Progress After-Image Log Activity test

To know how to configure the parameters, refer to Progress After-Image Log Activity Test. Now, After configuring this test, try to signout of the eG administrative interface, this time you will be prompted to configure the Processes test. This test has been elaborately discussed in the Unix and Windows Servers documentmonitoring model.

After configuring the Processes test, sign out of the eG administrative interface. Then, login to the eG monitoring console to view the state of and metrics reported by the specialized monitoring model that eG Enterprise offers for the Progress Database server.